
söndag 31 maj 2015

Anecdotes from a Russian steam bath

During my years of living in and travelling in Russia, I really learned to enjoy one of their most treasured social pastimes – the banya. The banya is the Russian version of sauna, but it is much more than just a sauna. It is an institution. It is an important social glue. It is also what close friends do together. In the heat of the banya, friendship is forged. Here everybody is on equal terms. There is a Russian saying - In the banya there are no generals. In this naked reality there are no uniforms, no stars. In Old Russian wedding tradition the groom would carry the bride into the banya for a first steam bath together to give the marriage a good start. One could say that “people that sweat together, stick together”, wether newly weds or friends.

Why the banya has gotten to play such a central role in Russian social life, has to do with traditional village life. Russia is a cold country with long freezing winters and which has an abundance of snow and wood. Until recent they often had no running water in the villages, even less warm water. In the heat of the banya you can regain the upper hand over the cold. You also get clean as you wash yourself in the heated water. It was therefore in old times also the chosen place for childbirth.

There are many rituals connected to this bath. You start carefully, get heated up, go outside, to chill a bit and then return for a tougher round. The harder you bathe, the harder you chill, either through immersing your self in cold water or rolling in the snow.  For real hard baths it is common to wear hats and even mittens as protection against overheating. After that it is time to cool off. I have personally rolled in the snow in temperatures down to -45C. And then in again!  The water that is poured on the hot rocks forms into searing steam. The steam can contain essences that will clear you airways as you breathe it in. And then it is time for the whipping. For this whisks of birch leaves are used. They are dipped into hot water to soften up. As you are beaten, the leaves bring heat to your skin, which is then refreshed.  It also serves as a form of massage. The aroma of the leaves is very pleasant and refreshing as well.

During the chilling pauses one usually drinks tea, juices, home made compottes or kvas, the traditional drink made out of fermenting rye bread. At the table there might be bread, salads, fishes, meats, fruit and nuts. As one has spent a few hours in the banya, one feels like a new person, cleansed, refreshed physically and deeply relaxed and one is full and is happy for a close social and happy social time.

There are legends, as old as the Russian Ortodox church, about how the Apostle Andrew visited the northern shores of the Black Sea to preach among the Greek colonies there and then continued north into Slavic lands up along the river Dniepr as far as to Novgorod. "I saw the land of the Slavs, and while I was among them, I noticed their wooden bathhouses. They warm them to extreme heat, then undress, and after anointing themselves with tallow, they take young reeds and lash their bodies. They actually lash themselves so violently that they barely escape alive. Then they drench themselves with cold water, and thus are revived. They think nothing of doing this every day, and actually inflict such voluntary torture on themselves. They make of the act not a mere washing but a veritable torment."

It might be difficult to verify the truth of these stories, but these words very well describe my own and my fellow missionaries’ common first impressions of our first confrontations with the banya. Very soon though, we learnt to appreciate it very much. It kept us warm during the ice-cold winters and there lifelong friendships were born. Many deep and sincere spiritual talks we have had there after services. The banya is not only part of Russian culture and history; it is definitely a part of the Russian revival we have experienced.

onsdag 27 maj 2015

Новая волна миссии

Мы провели потрясающие дни в Москве. Русскоязычная часть Международного объединения «Слово жизни» собралась на пасторской конференции, посвященной миссии и лидерству. Я был очень рад служить вместе с Лэрри Стокстиллом, Маттс-Олой Исхоелом, Артуром Симоняном и многими другими. Около шестисот делегатов приехали из девяти стран для участия в богослужениях и семинарах, на которых спикеры преподавали практическое учение по разным отдельным аспектам миссии: как стать миссионером на полное время, как достигать Евангелием малые народы, как адаптироваться к культуре, миссия в Индии, на Ближнем Востоке и так далее.

Мы с радостью наблюдали, как чувство единства, принадлежности одной семье, веры и ожидания усиливались на протяжении конференции. На эти дни я получил место из Писания: «Утверждающий же нас с вами во Христе и помазавший нас есть Бог» (2 Кор. 1:21). Он утверждает нас, и Он помазывает. Я могу засвидетельствовать, что именно так и получилось. Отклики всех пасторов подтверждали это слово. Мы — одна большая команда!

Потрясающе было увидеть, насколько важна и жива работа в странах СНГ. Мы уже видим сильное миссионерское движение. Это начало нового шага в истории нашей миссии. Это начало новой волны.

В юности я пытался заниматься серфингом. Нужно оттолкнуться, чтобы занять положение перед волной, когда она приближается к берегу. Сначала волна может выглядеть незначительной, но постепенно она поднимается выше и выше. Когда она приближается к берегу, нужно оттолкнуться, чтобы набрать скорость и поймать волну. Не сможешь оттолкнуться — упустишь волну. Когда же поймаешь волну, то она сама подхватит тебя, и внезапно ты почувствуешь себя во власти огромной силы, и тогда начнется приключение.

Вот что происходило в «Слове жизни» в конце 80-х и начале 90-х при зарождении русской миссии. Назвать это историей миссии не будет преувеличением. Родилось более тысячи церквей, более десяти тысяч человек прошли через библейские курсы, преобразились жизни бесчисленного множества людей.

Теперь пора всем этим церквям шагнуть вперед в международную миссию. Они помещены стратегически, чтобы шагнуть на юг на Ближний Восток, Центральную Азию, Индию, Индокитай и Китай. Начинается новое приключение!

Вместе до края Земли!

söndag 24 maj 2015

A new wave of missions - Word of Life International takes a new step into the future

We have had tremendous days here in Moscow. This time the Russian speaking parts of Word of Life International had a Pastors and Leaders conference focusing on Missions and Leadership.  I was glad to minister together with Larry Stockstill, MatsOla Ishoel, Artur Simonyan and many others. We had about 600 delegates coming in from 9 countries and participated in the services and mini seminars with very practical teaching about different aspects of missions as; How to become a full time missionary, How to reach ethnic folk groups, Cultural adaption, Missions in India, in the Middle East etc etc.

It was great to see how the sense of belonging together, the unity,  faith and expectation were strengthened further during the conference. I had a verse of scripture for these days - And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us. 2 Cor 1:21. He establishes us and He anoints us. I can testify that this is exactly what happened. It was fantastic to hear all the feedback of the pastors! We are a big team together! 

It is wonderful to see how vital and alive the work in the C.I.S countries is. We already see an emerging missions movement. It is the beginning of a new step in our missions history. It is the beginning of a new wave. 

In my youth I tried surfing. You need to paddle out there to get positioned for the wave as it is approaching the shore. At first the wave
might look really insignificant, but step by step it rises higher and higher. When it approaches the shore it is time to paddle to gain speed in order to catch the wave. Failure to paddle means missing the wave. As one catches the wave, the wave catches you and suddenly you find yourself pushed by an enormous force and that is when the real adventure begins. 

This is what Word of Life experienced late 80:s and early 90:s at the birth of Russia Inland Missions. It is not an exaggeration to call that missions history. Over 1000 churches born, over 10 000 bible school student and countless peoples lives transformed.

Now it is time for these churches to step in to foreign missions. They are strategically placed to reach south into the Middle East, Central Asia, India, Indochina and China. A new adventure is starting!

Together to the ends of the earth!

måndag 4 maj 2015

Celebration at the shore of the Danube.

The first time I saw the Danube was 1989 as I came to Bratislava to preach in an underground emerging church. The Iron curtain was still in place, but freedom was around the corner.

The Danube is Europe’s greatest river passing through 5 countries on the way to the Black sea. It has been part of and has shaped many years of European history. Together with the Rhine it formed a northern border of the Roman Empire. Out of the deep forest at its north, starving Germanic hordes strived southward and put pressure on and finally succeeded to cross it to invade the at that time Christian Empire. Christian missionaries had also crossed it as they headed northward to evangelise these barbaric Germans.
The Danube was later an important artery passing right through the mighty Austrian-Hungarian empire that was broken up by WWI. During WWII  Jews from the Budapest ghettoes were thrown in tied two by two, while Nazi Allied Pilkorsary played games trying to hit their heads in shooting contests.

On this blood soaked river, Word of Life organised a historic gospel boat tour. 1993 in the Slovak capital Bratislava, 150 church members from Uppsala and newly formed WOL churches in Eastern Europe, embarked on the Soviet era cruiser Druzba – Friendship, for a three week tour . These were tense times. The civil war raged in Yugoslavia through which the boat would go. Serbian snipers were known for trying to shoot boat captains on board the passing ships. Swedish authorities, including the Minister of defence, were quite worried about having 150 swedes coming in the line of fire. At some points the engines were turned off for the boat to quietly glide pass the most dangerous spots.

This last weekend we had a great celebration in Bratislava. 1500-2000 people from different denominations and countries joined in at Word of Life Bratislava’s 20 year jubilee. Such a contrast from my experience 1989 when we secretly met to worship the Lord! Now a large crowd praised the Lord, led by excellent worship groups. John Bevere, beside myself, Joakim Lundqvist and local pastor Peter Curic, ministered to a hungry and very responsive crowd. The conference was not marked by nostalgia. Rather thankfulness for what has been and a hunger and a resolve to press on into the future. A very good sign is the strong unity of among the churches. They do more than tolerating one another. They actually like each other and have fond a good way to relate to one another.

There are of course also strong bonds of friendship between Uppsala and Bratislava and we look forward to serve together in the future, both in central Europe as well as in distant missions fields.