
söndag 30 mars 2014

Reunion in London

I am right now on my flight back home from a very positive weekend in London. It is a bit difficult to type right in the turbulence, but that is a small ordeal compared with what missionaries went through on their journey from the British Isles to distant lands.

The reason for the visit in London was to touch base with Word of Life Partners, supporters of our work in Missions and Israel. Together with pioneer evangelist Carl-Gustaf Severin  and Roar Soerensen, knowledgeable head of our Israel work, we hosted a one-day conference in Emmanuel Centre, a Church and Convention Centre in a beautiful building from the early 1500:s.

We had four sessions; about the future of Word of Life, about Israel, about Missions and then an evening service with ministering to different needs. I feel it is important to give feedback to our Partners that faithfully and on a regular basis support the work, both financially and in prayers. They are the ones that make it possible for the work to go on. Together we can get the job done.

It was also good to see old friends, former Bible school students since 20-25 years back. They come from different parts of Great Britain, some even from Czech Republic and Ukraine.  The Word of Life family is big and well spread! It was great to hear that so many of them are doing well.

I am very happy with how this Conference went. Many of the attendees asked about when we will come next time. I have a feeling it will not be that long.

To the Ends of the World!


fredag 28 mars 2014

Миссия выполнима

«Миссия невыполнима» — популярный сериал, снятый в 60-70-х годах. В его сюжете — несколько очень умных специалистов-изобретателей, которые в период холодной войны совершали невероятные трюки и операции. Позднее этот сюжет был использован для серии фильмов с участием Тома Круза. Та же самая концепция — несколько очень способных людей совершают почти сверхчеловеческое и невозможное, обычно на вражеской территории, за линией врагов. Зритель восхищен!
Иногда мы так же смотрим на христианскую миссию и миссионеров. Мы думаем, что миссионеры действительно должны быть какими-то невероятными людьми, одаренными, способными и выдающимися личностями, не думающими о собственных нуждах, освященными до такой степени, которой обычные верующие достичь не могут. Кроме всего этого они еще творят невозможное на вражеской территории.
Такой взгляд не совсем верный. Кроме того, он может сослужить обратную службу, заставив нас представлять миссию как «невыполнимую». Поскольку она невыполнима, мы за нее не беремся. Наша единственная роль таким образом сводится только к зрительскому восхищению.
Сегодня в библейской школе я учил о миссии, а в это время 122 студента, распределенные по 22 командам, готовились отправиться в миссионерские поездки в 11 стран. Они поедут проповедовать Евангелие, делиться своей верой, рассказывать свои свидетельства, пойдут ободрять и вдохновлять, молиться за больных. С нетерпением жду от них отчетов! Это всегда вдохновляет!
Независимо от того, куда отправится та или иная команда, они все очень ценны. К нам обращаются пасторы и просят присылать команды. Это показывает, что вам не нужно быть духовным «супергероем» из фильма «Миссия невыполнима», чтобы стать большим благословением. Достаточно служить великому Богу, Который касается жизней людей.
Каждый год 200-400 человек отправляются в командах на миссионерские поля «Слова жизни». Они видят, как жизни людей меняются, и сами возвращаются измененными. Они смотрят в прекрасный мир миссии, где Божья любовь касается и преображает людей, обычно они начинают жаждать еще большего. Часто они свидетельствуют о чудесах, которые произошли во время их служения.
Я помню свою первую миссионерскую поездку в Азию в 1987 году. Первый человек, за которого я помолился, был глухим на одно ухо. Отчасти к моему собственному удивлению, он исцелился. Затем еще один и еще. Вот это да! Я вступил в что-то новое, что навсегда изменило мою жизнь. Я вкусил что-то такое, чего захотел еще больше.
Миссия не для отдельных христиан, она для каждого! Великое Поручение дано каждому христианину! Каждый христианин может пойти, у каждого есть что дать, благословить и подарить! Иисус никогда не искал и по-прежнему не ищет элиту. Он смотрит не на способности, а на доступность. Он ищет простых людей, и с ними Он может совершать великие дела, делать возможным то, что кажется невозможным.
Может быть, вам тоже надо отправиться в миссионерскую поездку? Или на пару месяцев поехать волонтером на миссионерское поле? Оно ближе, чем вы думаете. Добро пожаловать в мир «Миссия выполнима»!

Со Христом, До края Земли.

Кристиан Окерхиельм 

Рахат-лукум и впечатления от Эфеса

Я лечу домой с нашего Конгресса из Эфеса, Турции. Перед посадкой в самолет я попробовал самую знаменитую и самую сладкую гордость страны — рахат-лукум. Я не сладкоежка, но эта сладость пришлась мне по вкусу.

Тем не менее рахат-лукум — не самые сильное впечатление, которое я везу домой из Турции. Я испытываю чувство благодарности, размышляя обо всем происходящем в последние дни.

Конгресс начался необычно. Всего лишь за несколько дней до него стремительно разнеслась новость о решении пастора Ульфа перейти в Католическую Церковь, это стало главным национальным и международным событием. Все делегаты, которые паковали чемоданы, собираясь поехать на Конгресс, внезапно узнали, что основатель и руководитель движения делает такой шаг, означающий, что больше он не будет их лидером. Можно только представить себе, какие мысли начали носиться в их умах.

Пастор Ульф также снял с себя ответственность за Международное объединение «Слово жизни», и после голосования я был удостоен чести занять этот пост. Таким образом, я направлялся в Эфес, чтобы встретиться со всеми пасторами. Конечно, я мог представить себе разные сценарии — и хорошие, и плохие — которые будут там разыграны, но должен признаться, в моем сердце были мир и уверенность, что Господь поможет и проведет нас в этой ситуации. «Рожденное от Бога побеждает»!

Ульф Экман прилетел в четверг утром, чтобы сообщить о своем решении. Я уверен, что реакции и эмоции делегатов были разные. Участники Конгресса выслушали его и приняли достойно, с уважением. Прямо там меня охватило чувство еще большей гордости за наше движение. Очевидно, что оно построено не на человеке, а на Иисусе и Его слове, которое, конечно, всегда главнее всего. Все участники Конгресса помолились за пастора Ульфа и Биргитту, за начало их нового пути, о котором они сами сказали, что это их личный путь.

Мы с другими лидерами центров говорили на Конгрессе о том, каким будет наше будущее. Мы заявили, что у нас есть четкая форма евангельского харизматического движения и что у нас нет ни скрытого, ни явного плана о том, чтобы становиться католиками, православными или кем-либо еще. Мы по-прежнему верим в это и посвящаем себя нашему общему видению, мы знаем наши конкретные характеристики, «ДНК», и будем продолжать проповедовать Евангелие, строить и укреплять церкви, служить и благословлять верующих в разных частях Тела Христова. По окончании первого дня мы ясно увидели, как вернулись надежда и мужество, а с ними мир и радость.

В следующие дни мы ездили на экскурсии по библейским местам, таким как Лаодикия, Иераполис и древний Эфес. Мы также собирались на дискуссии и приняли документы о том, что есть церковь «Слово жизни», пастор «Слова жизни», семья, христианская этика и кодекс этики пастора «Слова жизни». Все это поможет нам определить, кто мы и каково наше движение. Многие выразили благодарность за эту ясность.

Я благодарен Богу и моим дорогим друзьям из семьи «Слово жизни», которые проявили такую доброту сердец и отношение, несмотря на то, что они все имеют разное культурное происхождение и воспитание. То, что могло стать нашим самым большим кризисом до нынешнего момента, мы вместе начали обращать в позитивный вызов. Я почувствовал новую решимость, более четкое владение видением, новое чувство ответственности и позитивное ожидание от будущего.

Эта ситуация может стать нашим свидетельством, нашим испытанием и нашим триумфом. Трудности делают людей злее или лучше. Мое впечатление таково, что международная работа семьи «Слово жизни» избрала последнее. Может быть, в будущем мы оглянемся назад и увидим, что эти перемены будут нашими лучшими днями? Имено этого я ожидаю, ради этого я буду трудиться и молиться, чтобы вместе с нашими замечательными делегатами, которые проявили столько тепла, любви, уверенности и посвящения, войти в будущее в единстве.

Все это оставляет сладость, которую не может подарить ни один турецкий десерт. Это сладость хорошего будущего. Спасибо, дорогие братья и сестры семьи «Слово жизни»!

Когда вы будете смотреть видеозапись с Конгресса, вы непременно получите впечатление хорошего настроения и позитивной атмосферы. Мы – семья «Слово жизни».

Со Христом, До края Земли.

Кристиан Окерхиельм 

onsdag 26 mars 2014

Mission Possible

Mission Impossible was a popular TV-series during 60-70:s. It was about some very smart technical geeks, who in a Cold War environment performed incredible stunts and operations. Later that developed into a series of movies starred by Tom Cruise. Same concept – some very capable people do the almost superhuman and impossible, usually in hostile territory and behind enemy lines. The watcher is supposed to be in awe!

Sometimes we have the same view of Christian missions and missionaries.  We think the missionaries really must be something else. Gifted and capable, having extra ordinary personalities, insensitive to their own needs and sanctified to a point unattainable to ordinary believers. On top of that they do the impossible in a hostile territory.

This view is first of all not entirely true. Secondly, it can turn into a disservice. We then make missions look like Mission Impossible. Since it is impossible we do not engage in it. Our only role is then reduced to be spectators that watch in awe.

Today I have been doing some missions classes in bible school as 122 students on 22 teams prepare for their missions trips to 11 countries. They will now go and preach the gospel, share their faith, tell their testimonies, come with encouragement and inspiration and pray for the sick. I can’t wait to hear their reports! It is always as exciting!

These teams are very appreciated where ever they go. Pastors contact us and ask for more teams. This shows us that you don’t have to be a spiritual “superhero” from "Mission Impossible" to be a great blessing. It is enough to serve a great God that touches peoples’ lives.

Every year between 200-400 team travellers head for the fields through Word of Life Missions. They see people’s lives touched. They also return touched themselves. They have looked into the beautiful world of missions, where God’s love touches and transforms people and they are usually hungry for more. Many times they can testify of miracles that have happened as they ministered.

I remember my first missions’ trip to Asia back in 1987. The first person I prayed for was deaf in one ear. Partly to my surprise, he was healed. And then another one, and another one. WOW! I had stepped into something that changed my life forever. I had tasted something I wanted more of!

Missions is for every Christian! The Great Commission is for every Christian! Every Christian can go, has something to offer, to bless and to contribute with! Jesus was not, and is not, looking for elite. He doesn’t first of all look for ability; He looks for availability. He looks for ordinary people and with them He can do the extra ordinary and then makes the seemingly impossible, possible.

Maybe you should go on a missions trip? Or give a couple of months as a volunteer on a missions field. It is closer than you think. Welcome to Mission Possible!

To the Ends of the World!


tisdag 18 mars 2014

Turkish delight and impressions from Ephesus

I am now on the plane home from our Congress in Ephesus, Turkey. Just before boarding I tasted some of the country’s greatest and sweetest prides, Turkish delight. I am not a candy man, but actually found it quite tasty!

But this is not the strongest impression that I bring back home from Turkey. As I reflect over the last days I get very thankful how this has developed.

The congress started in an unusual way. Just a few days before it started, the news about pastor Ulf Ekman’s decision to be received into the Catholic Church went viral, it became both national and international news. All the delegates that virtually were already packing for the congress, suddenly understand that the founder and leader of the movement is taking this step and will not be its leader any more. You can only imagine the thoughts that must have rushed through their minds.

Pastor Ulf also stepped down as President of Word of Life International and I was honoured to be voted in to take his place. So now I was heading for Ephesus to meet all these pastors coming in. Of course I could imagine different potential scenarios, good and bad, play out there, but I must say that deep in my heart I had peace and confidence that the Lord would help and guide us in this situation. “What is born of God, overcomes"!

Ulf Ekman came in Thursday morning to tell about his decision. I am sure that there were very different reactions and emotions among the delegates. The congress heard him and treated this respectfully and in a worthy way. Right there I got even more proud of this movement. Obvious also that it is not built around a man, but around Jesus and His word, which has of course always been the intention. The congress prayed for Ulf and Birgitta, as they now embark on their journey, which they have also expressed is their personal journey.

I, and a number of Word of Life centre leaders addressed the congress about our future. We declared that we have a clear identity as an Evangelical Charismatic movement and that there is no agenda, neither hidden nor open to become catholic or orthodox or anything else for that matter. We still believe in and are committed to our joint vision, we know our specific characteristics or DNA and we will continue to preach the gospel, build and strengthen the churches and minister to and bless fellow believers in different parts of the Body of Christ. As the first day passed we could clearly see how hope, and courage returned and with that peace and joy. 

The following days we made excursions to biblical sites as Laodicea, Hierapolis and ancient Ephesus. We also had discussions and adopted documents about What is a Word of Life Church, What is a Word of Life pastor, Family, Christian Ethics and Code of ethics of a Word of Life pastor.  All these help to define who and what we are as a movement. So many expressed thankfulness for this clarity.

I am thankful to God and also to my dear friends within Word of Life family, coming from such a wide array of cultural backgrounds that showed such a good heart and attitude. What could be maybe our biggest crisis up till now, we have together started to turn into a positive challenge. I sensed a new resolve and decisiveness, a clearer ownership of the vision, a new sense of responsibility and positive expectancy on the future, rise up among us.

Our test can become our testimony, our trial our triumph. Difficulties make us either bitter or better. My impression is that the International Word of Life family has chosen to become the latter. Maybe we in the future will look back and see that these turned out to be our finest days? This is what I expect, what I will work for and pray for, and that together with all our fine delegates that expressed such warmth, love, assurance and commitment to march together into the future united.

This leaves a sweetness, far greater than any Turkish delight could do. This is the sweetness of a good future in the making. Thank you dear brothers and sisters within the Word of Life family!

As you watch this video from the Congress you will get a direct impression of the good mood and positive atmosphere that marked it. - We are Word of LIfe Family

With Christ, To the Ends of the World,

Christian Åkerhielm

torsdag 13 mars 2014

We have a bright future!

Word of Life International has a bright future!

We have had fantastic first day at Word of Life International Congress. The first day is ending on a very positive note and I am convinced - we have a bright future!

Ulf Ekman, who last Sunday announced his decision to be received into the Catholic Church, came in specially to the Congress to tell about and explain this decision. It was very valuable for the 450 delegates from 30 countries to hear directly from him. There is a long relationship that goes back to early 90:s and many of these pastors have a great gratitude to him and his wife Birgitta for all these years of faithful service. He also very much encouraged everybody to keep the good work up.

It is a bit peculiar that this meeting took place here in Ephesus, since the Bible so vividly tells about the similar incident, when Paul took farewell of the church leaders here. The Congress delegates expressed their gratitude and prayed for Ulf and Birgitta as they take this step. Of course many will miss them in our movement, but this was done with great maturity and sincerity. So there is now a parting of ways, but the gratitude and friendship will remain warm and strong.

What about the future of Word of Life International?

We have a good future! Since I have been honored to become the President of WOLI, I gave the Congress an address where I on behalf of the board could clearly declare how we think of the future. We are not changing course! We are an Evangelical Charismatic movement with a clear vision and mission is as relevant now as ever.

During the board meeting prior to the Congress, every member declared that they are fully committed to continue to work together in Word of Life. We belong together. No one is leaving or distancing themselves, rather recommitting themselves to our common work. We wanted to do so to send a clear signal into the Congress that work is intact and will go on.

During the afternoon and evening MatsOla Ishoel, Carl-Gustaf Severin, Artur Simonyan, Dennis Podoroshny and Joakim Lundqvist greeted the Congress in a very appreciated way.

Every message was harmonizing incredibly well. There are two words that came forth very clearly; Together and The Holy Spirit, nothing is impossible when we stand together and are led on by the Holy Spirit. The response from the delegates was strong, positive and united. I sense a new season with recommitment that abodes a very bright future!

With Christ, to the Ends of the World!


onsdag 12 mars 2014

About the future of Word of Life Missions.

This is my statement about the future of Word of Life's missions work in the light of Pastor Ulf Ekman's decision to be received into the Catholic Church.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dear Friend!

As Missions director of Word of Life’s international work, I would like to write a few lines to you regarding what you have read in the letter from pastor Ulf and Birgitta and their decision. I want you to be informed about and to feel secure concerning what this will mean to our continued work in Sweden and across the world.

First of all: I have full confidence in pastor Ulf and Birgitta as persons, and to the fact that they listen to and are led by the Holy Spirit. I don’t question their choice, but believe with them that this is the Holy Spirit’s guidance for their personal lives. I wish them all God’s blessing from the depth of my heart. The step they now take of course affects the future, but it will change nothing of all that has been achieved up till now. I feel an enormous gratitude for the fantastic and unique foundation they have laid in the work of Word of Life, both in and outside of Sweden!

This information can of course arouse questions and wonderings about their personal way and choices. I am reminded about when Peter turned to Jesus to ask about John’s way onward, maybe so out of care, maybe worries or concern for him. Jesus clearly signalled where Peter’s focus ought to be; ”You follow me!” In other words, don’t be to much preoccupied with the concerns of others – questions that maybe never will get the complete, comprehensive answers we might wish – rather “Follow me” and leave all others in the secure hands of the Lord. Word of Life has always been about faith, and faith is to trust the Lord and in His guidance, also in the lives of others.

On basis of what you have read in pastor Ulf’s and Birgitta’s letter, it is important for us at Word of Life, to let you know what this concretely means for our future, for Word of Life in Uppsala and not the least for our international work.

As you all now, pastor Ulf has already passed on the shepherd’s staff for the church in Uppsala. In the same way he has also passed on the responsibility for Word of Life’s mission’s work. He has gone into retirement and thereby leaves all remaining responsibilities within Word of Life’s work. This step he and Birgitta now takes is, as you have read, their own step and is done out of a personal word from God. This step is therefore independent from Word of Life and its work. We are in full agreement and unity in this.

When it comes to the work of Word of Life, we will continue to strive after stronger unity with the greater Body of Christ. This we do out of the clear and specific identity as an evangelical, charismatic church. This has been our identity from the beginning and will continue to be so. This is not changing. We have full unity concerning this within the leadership of Word of Life, and we share a deep and strong commitment to our shared vision and mission onward.

As you might have heard in reports from us, we are experiencing a wonderful tailwind from the Holy Spirit in our work today. God does fantastic things both in our church that is growing, as well as in the mission’s fields where the work continues to be strengthened and expanding. We feel a great joy and inspiration to run ahead with the vision God has given us, and will continue to build on the strong and solid ground that has been laid. Thank you for standing together with us!

The vision of Word of Life remains. We will continue:
to equip God’s people with His word of faith and spirit of faith!

·      to defend and stand up for the living word of God in times when it is questioned by liberal theology and secularisation.
·      to effectively work with missions until the good news of Jesus Christ has reached every people.
·      to train and equip pastors and leaders across the world, so that they in their turn can take the work to their countries and people.
·      to teach and live in the Holy Spirit’s supernatural reality.
·      to stand up for the truth, for the dignity of life, family and human value.
·      to be God’s outstretched hand of mercy to the weak, hungry and poor in the world.
·      to bless Israel and wish Jerusalem and the Jewish people peace.
·      to equip the next generation for a radical and committed liv for Jesus and give them the best possible conditions to go further for Jesus than anyone before them.

This is Word of Life! This is our calling, our dream and our passion. This is the way that we will go, now and onward and something that you can be fully secure with.

We believe that you as a dear old time friend of Word of Life say yes and amen to this in your heart, and again we want to tell you how thankful we are for your prayers and for standing together with us in the work.

We look forward to continue to build the kingdom of God together with you and lift up the name of Jesus over this entire world until he returns!

With Christ, for the whole world!

Christian Åkerhielm                            
Missions Director, Word of Life