
onsdag 26 mars 2014

Mission Possible

Mission Impossible was a popular TV-series during 60-70:s. It was about some very smart technical geeks, who in a Cold War environment performed incredible stunts and operations. Later that developed into a series of movies starred by Tom Cruise. Same concept – some very capable people do the almost superhuman and impossible, usually in hostile territory and behind enemy lines. The watcher is supposed to be in awe!

Sometimes we have the same view of Christian missions and missionaries.  We think the missionaries really must be something else. Gifted and capable, having extra ordinary personalities, insensitive to their own needs and sanctified to a point unattainable to ordinary believers. On top of that they do the impossible in a hostile territory.

This view is first of all not entirely true. Secondly, it can turn into a disservice. We then make missions look like Mission Impossible. Since it is impossible we do not engage in it. Our only role is then reduced to be spectators that watch in awe.

Today I have been doing some missions classes in bible school as 122 students on 22 teams prepare for their missions trips to 11 countries. They will now go and preach the gospel, share their faith, tell their testimonies, come with encouragement and inspiration and pray for the sick. I can’t wait to hear their reports! It is always as exciting!

These teams are very appreciated where ever they go. Pastors contact us and ask for more teams. This shows us that you don’t have to be a spiritual “superhero” from "Mission Impossible" to be a great blessing. It is enough to serve a great God that touches peoples’ lives.

Every year between 200-400 team travellers head for the fields through Word of Life Missions. They see people’s lives touched. They also return touched themselves. They have looked into the beautiful world of missions, where God’s love touches and transforms people and they are usually hungry for more. Many times they can testify of miracles that have happened as they ministered.

I remember my first missions’ trip to Asia back in 1987. The first person I prayed for was deaf in one ear. Partly to my surprise, he was healed. And then another one, and another one. WOW! I had stepped into something that changed my life forever. I had tasted something I wanted more of!

Missions is for every Christian! The Great Commission is for every Christian! Every Christian can go, has something to offer, to bless and to contribute with! Jesus was not, and is not, looking for elite. He doesn’t first of all look for ability; He looks for availability. He looks for ordinary people and with them He can do the extra ordinary and then makes the seemingly impossible, possible.

Maybe you should go on a missions trip? Or give a couple of months as a volunteer on a missions field. It is closer than you think. Welcome to Mission Possible!

To the Ends of the World!


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